If there are a thousand things that make you feel stressed, then remember there are a million that can make you feel better and happier.
In today’s faced-paced world many of us stay busy all the time. As a result, we feel stressed, anxious, frustrated, drained, and lack the time to focus on ourselves.
Here’s a fact- problems, work, bad times, etc are inevitable. So, why stress about things that you can’t control?
Start your days by telling yourself that you don’t have to be stressed. I know, I know, easier said than done!
But, how not to take the stress?
Start with simple steps, by developing a few feel better habits and inculcating them into your routine. These techniques will enable you to take a step back, breath, and regain control of your emotions.
Here are 9 such feel better habits you can try when you need some instant stress relief
1. Have a relaxing bath
Moderately long and relaxing showers will not only give you a change in the environment when you’re stressed but will also provide you with some ‘me-time’ to forget the worries and think about other things.
Moreover, science claims that cold showers increases endorphins, or the feel-good hormones in your brain, and reduces the levels of cortisol, a stress-inducing hormone.
You can go the extra mile and use other calming ingredients like candles, and essential oils to zone out and feel relaxed. I sometimes will bring my laptop in and zone out to a rerun of one of my favorite shows that I’ve seen a million times.
2. Talk to your loved ones
How often do we neglect, and shut in the things that bother us? Probably all the time.
You might think that it’s a mature way to deal with things or being open to someone will make you vulnerable, but seriously, keeping things inside you is never healthy.
When you talk about the things that bother you with your trusted loved ones, you choose to let it go, and the lightness you feel later will allow you to process your emotions better.
3. Exercise/Yoga
Moving your body in any form can act as a great stress reliever. Physical activity is like meditation in motion. After a long run or walk, an hour yoga session, or several laps in the pool, you’ll find that you’ve forgotten all the worries and concentrated only on your body movements.
Additionally, exercise can boost the production of feel-good hormones in the body and in-turn distracts you from daily irritations.
4. Have a laugh
A good laugh has remarkable short-term and long-term effects on your brain and body. Laughter increases the intake of oxygen-rich air, enhances the production of endorphins, and stimulates your heart, lungs, and muscles.
So, find ways to laugh more when you’re feeling stressed. Personally, I watch reruns of Schitt’s Creek or play a podcast that has no educational value. You can do the same if that suits you.
5. Practice deep breaths (2-3 times a day)
Have you ever wondered why everyone suggests you take deep breaths when you’re panicked?
That’s simply because practicing deep breathing signals your brain to relax and calm down. Afterward, the brain sends this message to your body. The things that usually happen when you’re stressed like elevated heart rate, high blood pressure, and fast breathing, all decrease as you breathe deeply and try to relax.
6. Explore your forgotten hobbies
Everyone has hobbies. The only thing is they’re forgotten with time and responsibilities. Literally something as simple as the adult coloring books and zoning out while coloring sounds so stupid, but it works!
Think about all the things that you loved doing back in the day, and consider inculcating them in your routine again.
7. Get outside and walk
Walking in nature is really therapeutic. During this time you can become introspective, and deal with the feelings you have with a calmer mind. Just make sure that you don’t go for a walk in a crowded area as it can distract you from focusing on yourself.
That’s all from my side. Now, it’s your turn to have the upper hand and beat stress with these feel better habits. Choose a few that resonate with you and inculcate them in your routine.
Have your own ways to de-stress and feel better? Drop your answers in the comments. Let’s help each other by sharing a few ideas.
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