Are you a busy mom who regularly feels like things are unorganized and out of control? You are not alone. Plenty of moms happen to feel the same way, but that does not mean that you need to continue feeling this way for the rest of your life.
There are many things you can do to simplify life, eliminate a lot of the stress you are currently experiencing, and become far more productive while being the best mom you can be.
Never doubt yourself and your ability to get things done because you are more than just a mom—you are superwoman!
Start Getting Rid of the Clutter
When you have a lot of clutter surrounding you, it can make you feel anxious and stressed because you are going to keep thinking about what you need to clean and what you need to get rid of. If possible, dedicate a weekend to cleaning the home and getting rid of all the clutter that has been building up for months.
Dedicating either a certain time of day to declutter, or a certain day to get it done could really help. Since everyone is currently at home, it can easily become a cluster in every room you are utilizing. Make it a family chore to clean up daily. Give your little ones each an age appropriate chore that helps with this. Lighten your load with those home with you.
You will feel a lot better when you have a clean space to work, relax, and simply enjoy spending time with your children. A simple way to get rid of your clutter is to go through what you plan to keep and then donate other items that you no longer need. If you cannot keep or donate certain items, toss them out and forget about them.
Spend Less Time with/following Toxic People
Do not surround yourself with toxic people because they are only going to stress you out and make things more complicated in your life. It is not always easy to avoid the toxic people in your life, especially when they are loved ones, such as your parents, siblings, or other relatives. However, since we are currently on a quarantine, this may help to do some adjustments to your social plans for the future.
This also goes for social media. If you are following someone that you do not feel as though makes you feel good about yourself- UNFOLLOW. Do not ever feel obligated to follow someone on social media for any reason.
Sometimes separating yourself from those people is the best thing you can do for your mental health.
Get a Much Earlier Start to Your Day
If you want to get more done in a day, you should start getting up a bit earlier. If you get a much earlier start to the day, you can have a bit of time to yourself before the children get up for the day.
There is something so relaxing about the silence that you will have early in the morning when you are taking a shower, getting dressed, and preparing a cup of coffee or your own breakfast.
When you are soaking in all that peace and quiet, you can get a few things done without worrying about the kids getting into everything. You might want to exercise for a few minutes, prepare the distance learning for the children to begin once they wake up.
An earlier start does take some time to get used to, but once you get in the habit of getting up a few hours before the kids, you will learn to love it. And, you might even start sleeping better at night because you are getting such an early start and getting a lot more done earlier on in the day.
Get Into a Daily Routine with the Kids
Try to get into a daily routine with the kids. Anyone with children knows that there are days where things might not go as planned because a child is sick or something else is going. However, for the most part, it is definitely possible to get into a daily routine that your children can get used to and eventually enjoy.
Your daily routine may consist of waking up at a certain time, completing specific tasks, getting the kids up, completing activities with the little ones, organizing nap times, getting more cleaning done, and more. You can customize your routine to your liking. There is a no judgement zone at this time. We are all surviving and no one is trying to out-do anyone.
It also helps to get an earlier start to the day and get into a set routine with the children to get more done each day.
How are you getting through the days lately?
It is okay if you are just getting by!
Tara Fuller says
i’m not a mom but I can relate to a lot of these. I loooathe clutter and try to keep it out of my life in any way feasible. Also – YES to eliminating toxic people. I unfollowed so many people that I thought were “it” but were serving me no purpose. It was SO cleansing!
Julia says
This is such a great post! Love all these recommendations! Starting earlier and having a routine with a kid is definitely key I believe. Thanks for sharing this.
Azanique Rawl says
These are such great tips! My BFF is a mom of 2 and she lives by getting up earlier than the kids. It helps her get a head start on busy days 🙂