Since my first pregnancy I started a habit that has continued throughout my second pregnancy & subsequently after. It is the habit of crossing my legs before sneezing. If you’ve been pregnant before, then you know the struggle. When I learned of Natalie Hodson & Dr. Monique Middlekauff’s “Abs, Core & Pelvic Floor” 30 day program that would assist in my fitness as well as help alleviate my need to cross before sneezing I jumped for joy. Well maybe not jump, but raised my glass in cheers to that with a glass of mommy juice, that I did. Being pregnant during allergy season was a hoot! That statement was said in total sarcasm if you didn’t sense the tone.
1 in 4 women have symptoms of pelvic floor disorders, that is 25% of ALL women in the United States There is a large group of women that have a shared or similar experience with abdominal and pelvic muscle weakness (especially after childbirth).
The program has lots of educational material, learning that my issue was not to be excused because of its commonality was refreshing. Reading through just the introduction I found myself relating and saying “yep thats me”, “yep been there” & “uh huh, I hear ya girl”.
We can easily dismiss things that are common, but just because it is common does not mean that is isn’t a concern.
The program and exercises don’t have to be done at the gym! Do them from your floor at home when time provides! For extra support the program comes with bonus information on nutrition! Before the program I was misinformed regarding the amount of protein to eat. While I knew of the rule of the fist I was wrong in its substance.
In addition to the printable program you can also gain access to videos to further assist in understanding the exercises. Throughout the program there is understanding in regards to the causes of Diastasis Recti and how to heal. Simply put, Diastasis Recti is a separation and widening of the vertical centerline of the abdominal wall. But there is so much more to the understanding of it, how to know if its muscle weakness or not. Knowledge of the pelvic floor & how it is the foundation of movement is fundamental.
I have not yet completed the program but I am excited for the results. I would love to jump with ease, sneeze without crossing my leggings and laugh without worry about wether I am wearing a pad or “have leaks”.
I have been working on my water intake. This is something that I knew was of importance before and again learned of its significance. I have learned to create action plans and set goals. The affirmations that I have begun I will instill in my daughters as well.
Learn more about this life changing Abs, Core & Pelvic Floor Program over on Natalie’s website!
I would love to get these exercises and work them into my day to day