Toddlers can be so hard to buy for sometimes. They have just passed that baby stage but they’re just not ready for this big kid toys just yet. I have rounded up some toddler and preschooler gifts to grab.

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My little ones are big readers and LOVE their Kinetic Sand. We use a clear bin with a lid to store it. We love the name puzzle because it allows them to learn the letters of their name and the order they go in. For my second little one it helped her to remember that she had two “L”‘s in her name.
If your boy (or girl) is into trucks and dirt, this Kinetic Sand kit could be a less messy way of letting them explore. For your older, preschoolers this See & Spell is perfect for their sight words. The Wonder Wow‘s are perfect for when they want to get creative and you want to spare yourself the mess.
I have heard such good things about the OSMO, we are definitely grabbing one this year for our littles. This Stem toy is perfect for stacking and hand eye coordination for your toddler. This Mega Blocks set is one that we prefer because there are no little pieces to get into little ones mouths.
My First Crayola Touch Lights is a musical doodle board and perfect for on the go, in the car or at home to keep busy. The Doodle Mat we bought just before the last hurricane and it is perfect to keep littles busy with only water in their pens. The mat is large enough to share with siblings. Then you have this compact Trampoline, for that one kids that is always full of energy and you just need to keep them busy!
The Fishing Pole for the bath tub is the perfect gift for the little one that wants to go fishing with Daddy. The Lite Brite is just a right of passage at this point, if we had one, so should they! The LeapFrog book allows them to learn their first 100 words by interacting and touching the pages.
Last but not least is another Fishing Game, this is perfect for siblings or a game to play as a family. My kids have this in the Frozen movie version and love it.
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