My little one has a BIG appetite and she does not like to eat the same things over and over again. I have tried pulling off the left over lunch for dinner and that does not fly with her. I always have to switch it up while I still throw in some of the regular staples like eggs and chicken.
We have recently packed up the highchair and got ourselves a big girl table and chair set by Pkolino. With this adjustment comes new challenges, like keeping my little one from just knocking all her food onto the floor or walking off with her plate.
Shop our fave table and chairs: HERE
Nuby’s new Sure Grip Miracle Mat is one piece of flexible loveliness, gentle to touch but hard to move and easy to clean! The built in suction grip easily seals to the table top to make self feeding easier. It keeps food warmer for longer. Plus it is dishwasher safe- SCORE!
For breakfast this girl LOVES her eggs. I am lucky with that one. Her favorite is scrambled eggs, which I make in a coffee cup with a splash of milk. It literally takes me 1 1/2 mins. It couldn’t be easier. Most of the time if I have fresh fruit available I will give her fruit with her eggs. Today I did not have any fresh fruit so I gave her some breakfast chicken sausage for the first time and she LOVED it. Score!
I am one of the lucky ones whose child still takes a nap! (thank you to the nap gods!) Before she goes down for her nap she usually will have a snack or two.
I am a BIG fan of Trader Joe’s and they have tons of perfect snacks for little fingers. I recently grabbed these beet chips and she actually loves them. I also gave her some greek yogurt covered pretzels and a turkey dog. My daughter also can devour a bag of Pirate’s Booty like nobody’s business. She can also make a cheese stick disappear faster than I can finish my coffee.
While I was out running errands with her I decided to treat ourselves to some Chic-fil-a! Lets celebrate that it is a holiday weekend and we get extra time with Daddy! Her go to Chic-fil-a staple is the 4 piece chicken and a side of fruit.
When it comes to dinner I try to change it up, not only does my daughter get bored but my husband does too. I of course had chicken that had been marinating and needed to get cooked so although my daughter had chicken sausage and chicken nuggets already…now she was having chicken breasts for dinner!
Now I know you’re probably wonder what that purple/blue stuff is and what green stuff is that next to it. Its my “smashed potatoes” and brussels sprouts. Growing up and still now, I LOVE vegetables. I could probably eat them for every meal. Raw. Cooked. Steamed. You name it, I love it. I truly believe that this is because growing up my mother always gave me a variety of vegetables to eat and allowed me to grow my palate. I hope that my daughter will love vegetables as much as I do.
She has her days where she loves carrots and hates peas. For the most part, I think that we are on the right track. My husband on the other hand, is still a struggle. Still wondering about those blue/purple potatoes? They come that way, unlike their pale counterparts these potatoes are rich in antioxidants and are slightly nutty in flavor. They’re not pretty but they are good.
Want to know more toddler friendly meals? Hey, maybe some non chicken ones? Let me know and I will be happy to share.
Got any toddler friendly meals you think my little one would enjoy? Let me know as well!
Elna | TwinsMommy says
Great ideas!
I have three year old twins and it’s sometimes a challenge getting them to eat generally the same things. I refuse to be a short order cook!
So I end up offering a variety of things like turkey dogs, sweet potato fries, cherry tomatoes, pieces of spinach, cucumber, a bun etc.. and let them have it!
My son, though is hesitant to try new foods and I’m trying to be patient. Just keep offering right?
Nikki says
Love this post! I’ll have to get the Nuby! With a picky toddler I’m always finding it a hallenge at meal time. Love the tips!
With a nine month old who loves throwing everything off his high chair, this Nuby will come in handy!