Disney World is known as the Happiest Place on Earth and they like to create a truly magical experience for their guests. That magical experience contains so many little details and secrets that happen behind the scenes at Disney world that guests have no idea about. Learning all about these little details makes your experience that much more interesting.
I was really surprised how much you don’t see just on the surface when you visit Disney World. Today I am going to share some of the Hidden Secrets of Disney World and that way the next time you visit, you’ll be able to spot these details or hidden secrets throughout the park!

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Did you know that there is actually the ability to stay INSIDE Cinderella’s Castle? A lot of people are unaware that there is a suite inside the castle because it is not something that you can go online or call to book. This suite is a special perk that is only offered to those that win certain contests or special guests. The suites were initially designed as a utility room until 2006 when they were rediesigned. The past few years they have opened them up to special guests and contest winners.
Unlike me, if you are someone that really has a good nose for special scents- you may have noticed that as you walk throughout the park, you may have a different scent experience. This is all because Disney actually pumps those scents into the air. Disney likes to offer you a full experience and wants to cater to all of your senses.
For example, if you are walking past a sweets shop, you may smell the scent of baked goods. One of our favorite rides is Pirates of The Caribbean, and you may also notice walking around the Pirates of the Caribbean ride that you can smell the scent of gunpowder. These added scents are pumped through hidden vents to give you a full experience!
After going quite a few times to the park, I began to notice that you don’t typically see characters that belong in one land of the Magic Kingdom roaming about another. For example, you wouldn’t typically see Cinderella roaming through Frontierland, that’s just not where she belongs. This is actually because there are secret hidden tunnels underneath the grounds of the Magic Kingdom. This is another thing that was created to ensure for the best guest experience for visitors. This allows for characters to travel to and from destinations without breaking the illusion of which land they are supposed to be a part of in the Magic Kingdom.
If you have ever asked a Cast Member a question you may have noticed that they will never answer with “I don’t know”. Cast Members are required to help guests to the best of their ability and that includes coming up with an answer to all of your questions. If you ask them a question that they do not know the answer to, they will find the answer someway somehow. They will either point you in the direction of someone to help you or that may know the answer to your question.
Disney likes to avoid the chances of trash floating around the park because they like the park to remain beautiful and magical, which is why they take the initiative to avoid those things. If you go into any of the gift shops around the park you will notice that no where sells gum to avoid people spitting out their gum and causing a mess throughout the park. In addition to that, no matter where you are standing in the park there is always a trash can accessible to you within 30 steps. No, really…try it! This really helps the disposing of trash on the grounds and helps to keep it looking clean.

Have ever dreamed of being a Disney Princess at Disney World? Well, just FYI- it isn’t an easy process to just walk in and get assigned to a Disney Princess role. A little secret to becoming a Princess is that all Disney Princesses actually have to be trained and perform what is called a Furry, which is going to be a masked character, before they are able to become a Disney Princess role.
Ever wanna eavesdrop on an old time conversation? Head over to Main Street at the Chapeau Hat Store and while you are browsing for the perfect set of Mickey ears, pick up the receiver on the old fashion phone in The Chapeau Hat Store on Main Street and you will hear a conversation between a mother and daughter in which they are just arguing over the price of groceries. It’s just a fun little hidden additive within the park.
A not so hidden secret is the hidden Mickey’s. If you didn’t already know there are hidden Mickey’s all throughout the park. It’s a fun scavenger hunt to look for Hidden Mickeys everywhere. If you want to have a fun contest between you and your group, see who can find the most hidden Mickey’s throughout the park from your start to finish. They can be anywhere throughout the park, on rides, in restaurants, literally anywhere that you can possibly imagine… just keep and eye out!
If you are an avid lover of Disney and you weren’t aware of these fun hidden little secrets it can really make your trip and experience that much more fun!
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